Ser vs. Estar
Explanation Now that know when to use ser and estar, let's review some of the most important information about each verb.
Conjugation of "Ser" and "Estar"
Ser or Estar? In previous lessons we learned two popular acronyms for remembering the main uses of both ser and estar. Let's do a quick review with new examples:
SerD (Date) Hoy es lunes (Today is Monday).
O (Occupation Ella es abogada (she is a lawyer). C (Characteristics) Ellos son altos ( They are tall). T (Time) Son las dos en punto (It is two o'clock). O (Origin) Yo soy de México (I am from Mexico). R (Religion) Ella es luterana (She is a Lutheran). EstarP (Position) La biblioteca está a la derecha (The library is on the right).
L (Location) Chichen Itzá está en Yucatán (Chichen Itza is in Yucatan). A (Action) Estoy pensando (I am thinking) C (Condition) Estamos cansados (We are tired) E (Emotion) Mi hermana está feliz (My sister is happy) Remember: "How you feel and where you are, always use the verb ESTAR!"
AudioFirst, do the activity on the right-hand side. Then, listen to this audio clip to check your answers. Finally, play it again and repeat after me to practice your pronunciation.
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